Customized your dishes and mugs
with the best specialist

Make your product exclusive
Porcelain, Gres…customized your dishes, mugs, platters or other pottery products with a company which has 80 years of experience.
CONTACT USType of decorations:
Summary of ceramic decoration techniques which we can carry out in Everia

Personalization in one or several colors in any ceramic product

Pad Printing
Decoration in one or more colours on flat surfaces

Hand Painting
We apply colors to the body of the selected product by hand

Screen Printing
Colour customized for cylindrical surfaces

Phosphorescent finish
The decoration creates a phosphorescent effect when this special finish is applied.

There are a lot of possibilities with the decoration process through this technique

Metallic finish
Mugs with metallic finish on the outside part

Colourful finish
Thinking about childrens, promotions for the purpose of colouring

New molds
Develop your mould to make what you want